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Adam John Armstrong



Camden (near Sydney N.S.W), lives Toowoomba, Quensland, Australia.
University of Southern Queensland.


Bon Amici


Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery


Gallery Ami & Kanoko - Osaka, Japan


Gallerie Vivant - Tokyo, Japan

Artist Statement

I paint because it feels right. Painting is liberation; it is a heady transcendental leap into another dimension of time and space. For me, it is the most appropriate way to express emotions and my responses to experience. Thoughts and feelings can be raw and intense, they are seldom neat. They are sensations that often defy description in words because they may be evoked by a colour, a name, a sound, a piece of music, or even the displacement of air as someone walks past.

I am presented with images that seem to invent themselves while retaining an imprint of the inner rhythm of some initial feeling. They become patterns of intention shaped within a phenomenology of perception that recognizes the urgency to mark the fleeting instant of an idea before it morphs into the more concrete form of thought. The chaotic ferment of the unconscious mind has a pure energy factor that I try to capture rapidly, spontaneously. Quick-drying acrylic paint complements this sense of immediacy. The choice of colour is often random and unplanned. The action of painting becomes an extension of thought wrapped up in feeling and emotion. I am the painting, yet, as the work develops, it assumes an entity of its own, and I then become its mid-wife, an instrument in the delivery of what is the visualization of an intensely experienced moment in time.

The large scale canvases, life-size, suggest a physical space that could be walked into as if into an environment. The works are deliberately untitled to allow the viewer an individual response, without pre-emption, that may resonate with their own experience.



展示している大きいサイズのキャンバスは、未知なる空間に入り込むことを想像させる物理的な空間を意味している。各々の作品にはタイトルはついていない。それは、見る側の個人的な想像や反応が大切で、タイトルから思い起こされる過去の経験に照らした感情を抜きにして絵画と対面して欲しいと願うからである。                  (訳:中島由記子)

天岸藍子 展覧会に寄せて・・・・スタッフ天岸藍子






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